Jenny's Socials 9 Portfolio
Photo; Anonymous Mask - Guy Fawkes by dvL-den
An Unbelievable Act of of Terrorism:
The Gunpowder Plot
For this unit, my classmates and I explored the various astrocious acts of terrorism commited in this day and age. Among which includes, but isn't limited to, the boston bombing and the infafmous 9/11.
We discussed the implications, reprocusions and motives behind these acts.
Soon our teacher, Mr. Chubb, broached the topic of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605. "Remember remember," he recited "the fith of November."
From there, he taught us of Guy Fawkes, the anonymous mask and the revelence both him and the mask have to today. Together as a class, we watched V for Vendetta, the movie that popularized the Guy Fawkes mask and discussed the parallels between the movie and the modern world.
After expanding more on the Guy Fawkes mask, Mr. Chubb told us of a recently passed law in Canada called Bill-C309 which illegalizes the wearing of masks in groups five or greater. Our job, he informed us, is to write a letter to the Prime Minister regarding our thoughts on the bill. We must pick a side, do we support the law or are we against it.
Below is a link to my final copy of the letter. Read at your own risk.